With our Striker Lottery now closed it’s time for the new Dover Athletic 200 Club! Sign up now!
The 200 club provides additional fundraising for the club whilst giving members an opportunity to win £1000 every single month!
I am asking for your support to get behind the new DAFC 200 Club. The prize draw will be an important way of providing regular financial support for the club moving forward. It is a crucial time to rally round the team and give us the best chances of succeeding on and off the pitch.
Jake Leberl, Manager
What is the 200 Club?
It is a simple and fun way to raise extra, necessary funds for Dover Athletic FC, for the benefit of all fans, whilst adding an element of chance/good luck for its members to win substantial cash prizes.
How does it work?
When you join, your name is entered into monthly draws with a First Prize of £1000. There are 12 monthly prizes of £1000. The draws take place at nominated events in the club calendar with results posted on the website, social media and circulated by email. Winners will have their prize paid directly to their bank account.
How much does it cost?
The monthly membership is £10 per person, payable by standing order. All members must be over eighteen years of age and only one entry is permitted per person. Family and friends are all welcome!
How do I join?
You can subscribe by standing order. Payment will be made monthly. Please complete the appropriate sections on the form below and return to [email protected] or hand in to the club office.
Download the form by clicking here and sign up now!
Thank you to those that have already signed up for the 200 Club, you do not need to reapply.
If you were part of the Striker Lottery please cancel your current standing orders and cash any remaining cheques.
We have chosen to use a printable paper form instead of an online form to ensure we comply with GDPR rules. By signing this form you are giving consent for the information in this form to be held by the organization in accordance and compliance with GDPR guidelines.
We ask for your name and full address of your Bank or Building Society so that we can pay the prize winnings directly into your account.
Once we have reached 200 members, the standing orders will commence.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries on 01304 822373.