Whites welcome new kit man Bradley to the team.

A new year and a new era behind the scenes at Crabble with the outward departing Richard Harvey leaving a Persil sized hole to fill but as the old saying goes out with the old and in with the new. The Chairman had spoke on record at the gratitude towards Richard and the job he had done but now it’s time for Bradley Haywood to join the team.

Bradley is a family man with a 12 year old daughter called Olivia and when he is not sorting through muddy shorts, he can be found on the golf course. Having worked for over a decade in retail, Bradley was excited to join the club and realise his dream of working in football.

‘Being brought up with football and having such a passion for it, words can’t describe how excited I am for the challenge ahead. My first day was a dream for me, bar the result. I’m always happy to have a chat and get to know the supporters more so if you ever see me feel free to stop me for a chat. Come on Dover.’

Bradley signs off with a quite poignant quote. ‘Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.’

Welcome to Crabble, Bradley.