Jimmy Dryden & Tom Wynter Join Invitational Game

Prolific striker Jimmy Dryden and legendary left-back Tom Wynter will return to Crabble for our Fans Invitational Game as part of Jake Leberl’s XI.

We only have FIVE spaces left for those interested in playing at Crabble on Sunday 14 July, 4:30pm, £50 entry. In order to play, simply email [email protected] with your shirt size, and the best contact number you can be reached on. Fans are very welcome to attend with admission by way of a donation and we will be screening the Euros Final in the Centre Spot after the game.

Players for Jake’s team include: Paul Hyde, Matt Carruthers, Roy Godden, James Rogers, Jimmy Dryden, Tom Wynter and our youth team coaches. More players will be revealed soon.